
Showing posts from December, 2020

Building an App

      In order to learn how to build and publish an app, I've decided to build an open-source mood tracking app that will use colors to show track your anxiety over the course of a week, month or year. You will be able to record the events that happened that day, along with the mood that event is associated with. The app is in the early stages, I'm still trying to decide how many moods to track and the best way to display the different types of moods someone has felt.     I'm building the app in React Native since that's what I want to practice. I may have a back-end that manages the database of user input, and users can log in and sync their data between devices. For now, since learning React Native is my main focus, I want to allow a user to report their mood and display the mood visually using a color.      You can check out my code as I progress here , and I'll be able to provide updates about what I learn as I go.

A Very Python Christmas

      Advent of Code has been going on, which is a lot of fun! I'm trying to keep up while also tending to my school and work responsibilities, but Advent of Code has been a fun way to remind myself that coding is fun. Each day includes a puzzle where you pretend to be Santa, solving problems by writing code. I chose to write my solutions in Python, simply because I knew it would be easy to set up and start coding right away.     Anyway the first day is a relatively simple puzzle, with the puzzles getting more complex as the days go by. You can see all my solutions as I work on them here , but I thought I would share my process for solving the puzzle on Day 2. On day 2 we are tasked with fixing the North Pole password database that has become corrupted. We are given a list that shows a list of password policies and their passwords. We need to determine how many of these are valid.           1-3 a: abcde    ...

Getting Started with React Native

      At my job I do some work in React Native, and since I've learned React, React Native has made way more sense. React Hooks and components are still here, while is awesome. Along with that comes a bunch of weird unique tags like TouchableOpacity, View or Text. It's not so bad, because ultimately it seems like you are working with less tags than are available in HTML. Anyway, I like React Native for the same reasons I like React. I still think I prefer to work on apps using Xamarin.Forms, but I'm only just getting started in React Native so that could always change.     At work I typically use Android Studio, which is a great tool (if you have a decent amount of RAM), but for now I'm going to be using the Expo CLI to develop, which is a great way to quickly start writing code with minimal setup. The steps I used are listed here, but they are brief so I'll cover them as well. Navigate to wherever you plan on creating this app, and run npm install -g ...